TREATMENT: Therapy, Exercise, Rehabilitation and Wellness Program

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is the art and science of correcting and rehabilitating your movement. It is beneficial, if not essential, for most pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The body is a complex moving device requiring a balance of mobility, stability, and strength for longevity. Consisting of various treatment approaches, physical therapy is necessary to restore movement post operatively and to help manage chronic pain.

Exercise is a component of treatment with the purpose of improving the recruitment of muscles, increasing ROM (range of motion), or improving overall strength and conditioning. We develop movement patterns over the course of our lifetime due to various factors that can either protect, build, or degrade our tissues. Poorly coordinated muscle control, muscle weakness, immobility, or any combination thereof can compromise healthy biomechanics. Poor biomechanics at one joint or level in the body can alter the mechanics of another part of the body. The aim of therapeutic exercise is to balance.

Manual therapy consists of joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, edema massage, and manual stretching. It nourishes your tissues during the earlier phases of your injury, and can be used to help increase range of motion toward the latter phases of the healing process. Manual therapy is often necessary to balance your movement patterns and reduce physical stresses to injured areas. Often times improving mobility of specific parts of the body improves the neuromuscular function of other parts of the body. Manual therapy is often a key component to a comprehensive treatment approach for addressing the biomechanics of your entire body.

Post-Operative Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation programs follow specific post-surgical rehabilitation protocols focusing on individualized treatment interventions with the goal of therapy of returning the patient to optimal strength, function and mobility. Our goal during your post-surgical rehabilitation is to return you to your prior level of physical function. This includes successful return to your work, recreational activities, and competitive sports. Protocols often begin as soon as two days post-op.

Fall Prevention/Injury Prevention/Wellness Programs
Injuries due to falls are the second leading cause of hospitalization in people over the age of 65. Decline in vision, neurological sensory reflexes of the inner ear, sensorimotor reflexes, and overall strength and conditioning contribute to having an increased fall risk as we age.

Additional Services:
Tendonitis/Overuse Injuries | Chronic Pain | TMJ Treatment | Kinesiotaping | Custom Orthotics | Compression Garments